FZ member Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Moneke becomes co-author of the standard work "Werkstoff-Führer Kunststoff".
Published: Werkstoff-Führer Kunststoffe

In time for the K2019, the standard work on plastics materials science, the "Werkstoff-Führer Kunststoffe", will be published in an updated 11th edition.
The "Werkstoff-Führer Kunststoffe" provides anyone involved in the design, processing, application, testing and recycling of plastics with a quick and comprehensive overview of the structure of plastics, the different types of plastics, their properties, testing and application. Numerous diagrams and overviews enable the potential of the individual types of plastic to be compared with each other.
New in the 11th edition are the chapters on thermal conductivity measurements and scratch tests; in particular, all standard references, trade names and association contacts have been updated. With 664 pages, it is the comprehensive but compact reference book for study and work.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Moneke is a member of the Instituts für Kunststofftechnik and spokesman of the Forschungszentrums Material- und Prozesstechnik at the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences. He holds the professorship for materials engineering plastics, testing of plastics and quality management and heads the working group for materials testing AWP (https://gftn.h-da.de/arbeitskreise/awp/). Prof. Dr.-Ing. Moneke's research focuses in particular on the testing and modeling of mechanical properties and scratch tests. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Moneke is a DGQ certified Quality Manager and EOQ Quality Manager.
For more information on the textbook, please visit the Carl Hanser Verlag website via this link.
Publications and more can be found at:
Research Gate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Martin_Moneke
XING https://www.xing.com/profile/Martin_Moneke?sc_o=mxb_p